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LAKE COUNTY'S GOT TALENT! Most, if not all of us, have heard of "America's Got Talent". Well, Lake County has its share of talent also. UOM is putting together a talent search competition for the Lake County residents' singers, dancers and comedians.
The finalists will perform will perform in the local GRAND FINALE CONCERT. Prizes will be given.
Register online to be notified when auditions will be held.
LAKE COUNTY'S NEXT TOP MODEL! Do you have "The Look"?! UOM is organizing a modeling competition for Lake County residents. The categories will be, kids, teens, young adults and mature adults, both male and female.
The Grand Finalists from each category will receive a modeling portfolio. Register online to be notified when contestants model submissions will be accepted.

HERE'S GOT GAME! UOM is looking to put together a male and female basketball team. We are also hoping to have a volleyball, baseball and dodgeball team in the future.
If your are interested in being on any of these teams, register below and we will contact you when we start actively recruiting team members.
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