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Word From The Publisher...


The Inspiration:
I was inspired to create awareness of prostate cancer when I learned that my uncle was diagnosed with it. As is often the case, situations don’t grab our attention until it strikes close to home. I have heard how important it is to have your prostate examined for early detection of signs of prostate cancer. I’ve heard countless jokes by comedians about receiving the prostate exam. I must admit that I have shared a laugh at their antics, and the delivery of such jokes provides humor. However, being diagnosed with prostate cancer is no laughing matter.


After much thought and research, I have found a way to use my talents as a photographer, graphic artist, web designer, writer and musician to raise funds and awareness to help fight and find a cure for prostate cancer.


It is recommended that men begin receiving an annual checkup for prostate cancer no later than age forty. It is my belief that the use of good knowledge is power. Since reaching my mid-forties, I have come to appreciate the whole process of “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”.


This online magazine is designed to share information that will help improve the quality of life for all who read it. To be in one’s pryme, is to operate at your optimum capacity physically, mentally/emotionally and spiritually. It is my hope that this online magazine will provide a useful perspective on healthy living, human interaction with others, a source of humor and wisdom that can be garnered from others’ experiences that can be used to benefit our lives.


Why PrymeTime?
It’s been said that men mature later than women. From my observation, it appears to be true. From my perspective, this seems to be the general progression for men. For the first two decades, boys tend to be very easily influenced and can be persuaded or directly told what to do without really knowing or understanding why they do what they do. In the decade of their 20’s, young men go through the “discovery phase”. They are now starting to spread their wings, believe they have the answers to all the questions and can outsmart experience and proven wisdom. They often think they are immortal. Hardheaded and stubborn are adjectives many times used to describe them. In the decade of their 30’s, these men then go through the “reality phase” (also considered the prioritizing phase). The light finally goes off in their heads that they actually do make mistakes, don’t know everything and everything in life has a level of importance. The possibility that they may have more years behind them than ahead of them becomes quite real. The decade of their 40’s is their “prymetime phase”. Men finally begin to realize that the opinions of others are just that, their opinions. People will think what they will, regardless of how you may try to convince them otherwise. Though a man may be right in his convictions, he realizes that there is a time and place for everything. He realizes that the sacrifice for a greater cause is far more rewarding and profitable than the temporal pleasure of the here and now. He learns that the elimination of stress greatly improves his mental, emotional and physical being, thus giving him the opportunity to live a pryme life. Now, what about the 50’s? Well, that’s when we start to go into the “golden years”. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Why prYme?
This online magazine is primarily geared towards men in their 40’s, (hence the “Y” for the male chromosome in PRYME. It’s when many men really start to live life to its fullest). PrymeTime Magazine contains information that can be enjoyed and utilized in some way, for most men and women. While I have many fond memories of my childhood and young adult years, I must admit that my 40’s have been by far the most enjoyable and rewarding. Hopefully the articles and information you find within these pages will assist in giving you a perspective that will allow you to live your life at its pryme.


We welcome your compliments, comments and concerns. Let us grow together as we pursue the Pryme of our lives.


Donovan Simons


     Donovan Simons    

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